Society for Information Management Summary: The talk will cover the strengths and weaknesses of the business models of Costco, Amazon, Uber, Ebay, Google, etc. We will also discuss the business model of real-estate transactions and identify the bottle necks which have prevented this indust
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded for Greasemonkey 2013年11月16日 - This script displays a tooltip with expanded translation provided by Google Translate. ... Google Translator Tooltip Mod Lite KeysOn by iwo0 ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded - Greasy Fork 2014年7月1日 - Google Translator Tooltip Expanded. Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork - Greasy Fork 2014年10月15日 - This script displays a tooltip with expanded translation provided by Google Translate. The original author is Mar Cnu and the original version of ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded - Source code ==UserScript== // @name Google Translator Tooltip Expanded // @namespace my.tooltip.namespace // @description Translates the selected text into a tooltip ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded - Greasy Fork 2014年10月14日 - 腳本說明. fix for Thanks to srazzano script.
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded - Greasy Fork 2014年7月9日 - Google Translator Tooltip Expanded. Translates the selected ... Based on Google Translation Tooltip MLiteKeysOn. 資訊; 代碼 · 歷史 · 反饋(1) ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork - 版本歷史 2014年10月15日 - Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork. Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip ...
Use Google Translator on any website you visit - gHacks ... 2013年4月1日 - Google Translator Tooltip Expanded is a free userscript that works fine in the Firefox web browser and likely also in other web browsers that ...
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded一直在loading,怎么办?_软件综合 ... rtchrome,有tampermonkey是不是因为在天朝的关系?需要怎么弄?如果不是到底那里出问题?,帖子《Google Translator Tooltip Expanded一直 ...